Saturday, June 25, 2011

4. Run a Half Marathon

Today I decided to jump in and start training for a half marathon.  When I ran my first 5k last year, I knew exactly what race I was training for.  I grew up in dance class, and was never much of a runner.  To me, running was very boring.  I was on a dance team, so doing something that is so isolated just never appealed to me.  A few years ago, I started running with the guy that I was dating and realized that running didn't have to be something that you do solo.  We never ran far, just kind of enough to get some cardio in during a workout.  Last year I decided to run the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure (raising money for breast cancer is very near and dear to my heart).  I decided to do the race about 4 weeks out, so my goal was just to finish the race (although I had secretly hoped to at least finish in less than 40 minutes).  I crossed the finish in right about 38 minutes.  I kicked ass, finishing the first 1.5 miles in just over 15 minutes...but then hit a steep hill and couldn't keep the pace.  I ended up being a bit disappointed in I'm going at this half marathon a different way. 

I downloaded an app on my phone to help me through the training.  It is a 12 week program that guides me through how long my runs should be each day, and what days I should rest on.  It also throws some cross training days in there as well.  I'm not going to look for a half marathon to run in until I get half way through this training to make sure that I can keep up with it.  I want to have a realistic goal in mind for how fast I would like to finish the race in, and actually accomplish that goal.

The one main concern I have with being able to cross this off of my 30 by 30 list is my knee.  I had knee surgery when I was 14, and was told that I was going to have to make a decision to live a less active lifestyle or deal with severe knee pain and several more surgeries.  I decreased my level of activity back then (gave up softball, and just danced).  I only ran 15 minutes today, and it killed my knee.  I guess rest days, and ice and heat are going to be valuable to me completing this goal!

So:  Week 1, Day 1 Recap:
5 minute Warm Up, 15 Minute Jog, 5 Minute Cool Down
Total Time:  25 Minutes
Total Distance:  1.9 Miles

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